• 22 Missing Texas Teens
  • 1 Missing From Lufkin
  • Help Bring Them Home

The headline should read that there have been 22 MORE missing children in the State of Texas this past August. The number really doesn't reflect the large amount that are all currently missing.

These are just the children that were reported missing in one month. There are always many more that go unreported.

The missing children range in age from the very young to 16 and 17 years old.

The teen missing from Lufkin, Donte Anderson, 15, has been missing before.

The last time we featured him he was actually missing in June from Beaumont. Just like all of these missing children, we don't know his circumstances, just that he is missing and we should do our best and try to find him.

What To Do If You Find These Missing Children 

If you find a child listed here, or from any source such as missing alerts or fliers, you should immediately call law enforcement and follow their instructions.

Each agency that has details about the missing child is included in the information provided. Any local law enforcement agency should have the capacity to help get the child relocated.

There are also a few of the children that are listed as no contact finds. If you do happen to see the child, you are not to approach. They, or someone they are with, could put you in a dangerous situation.

Help bring these missing children home and take a look at all of the photos.

22 Texas Children Went Missing In August

Look at the photos and help these children get reunited with their families.

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